Sleep study in mice and rats
Leveraging data acquisition to get the tiniest electrical brain signal is crucial to researchers investigating mechanisms regulating sleep in rodent models.
Most of the time, gathering data manually is a tedious and time-consuming task, so sleep analysis technologies for rodents should meet the challenges of automation for a fast-moving research field.
Measuring EEG in rodents is currently used to highlight neuronal dysfunctions in mouse models of neurological diseases, may it be epilepsy or other traumatic brain injuries including Alzheimer's disease, and ASD. Understanding and analyzing sleep and wake data in rodents will help the research scene in its attempts to find novel therapeutic approaches for neurological disorders.
Along with the detection of sleep stages in mice or rat models, an important point of consideration in sleep research involving rodent models is sleep deprivation, a methodology that could help improve the understanding of neurological disorders by automatically enhancing brain signals and memory.